A1. De compras
1. Quizlet flashcards
meat and fish
2. Shopping for fruit at the market
The Open University has some free short courses on its Open Learn platform.You can print the transcript.
Open Learn Track 11
In this clip, a woman buys some fruit at a market stall.
The seller speaks very fast and it is very hard to hear him but the woman repeats the prices each time.
Note the different ways in which she asks for things:
-Quería (just slightly more polite than ´quiero´)
-¿Me puede poner...? (can you give me...? Literally: can you put me...?)
-Póngame (Could you give me?)
Also, check out the other structures and expressions used:
¿Cuánto cuestan los plátanos? How much do bananas cost?
2.95 el Kg
Tienes Fuyi, Royal Gala, Granny Smith... You have Fuyi, Royal Gala, Granny Smith...
¿Cuánto cuestan las Golden? How much do the Golden ones cost?
Son iguales, el mismo precio They are the same, the same price
Son emormes They are huge
Está bien, no hay problema That´s fine, no problem
Eso es todo, nada más That´s all, nothing else
¿Cuánto es? How much is it?
11 con 29, nada más Just 11.29 (literally: nothing more)
Aquí tiene Here you are
Pues, muy bien Very well (´pues´ here is just a filler word)
Please, note that the shop keeper´s question ´¿Más cositas?´ is very unusual. It sounds overfamiliar. You are more likely to hear the most common ´¿Algo más?´: Anything else?
3. Shopping for shoes
Open Learn Track 13
4. BBC Mi Vida Loca
Buying a present
Pointing at things with ´this´ and ´that´:
5. BBC Mi Vida Loca
Shopping at the supermarket, the market and the bakery
6. BBC Mi Vida Loca
Episodio 17
Shopping for clothes
7. Open Learn Beginners Spanish course on Food and Drink
Free course with lots of listening activities.
Beginners Spanish - Food and Drink
8. Quizlet flashcards on Recipes
Recetas de Cocina
To give instructions for a recipe use the infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir ending)
Pelar los calabacines y cortar.
Freir en una sartén.
9. Quizlet flashcards on clothes
La ropa
10. Quizlet flashcards on colours
11. Listening activity on clothes descriptions
Scroll down to find the listening activity with a photo of five people. All are described except one, who is it?
profedele la ropa
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