Tuesday 14 December 2021

Fuet y longaniza de Vic en Marks and Spencer

 Fuet y longaniza de Vic

Estas fantásticas delicatessen están disponibles en algunos supermercados de Marks and Spencer

They call it ´salami´ to help shoppers get an idea of what sort of thing this is but considering the wide range of deli products available (each with its own distinct flavour and characteristics), this is not very accurate at all. Salami has a very different taste. The proper name for this product is simply ´longaniza´, (´llonganissa´ in Catalan). It´s considered one of the finest in Spain and it is produced in a small village called Vic, in Catalonia. 

You can find some information on this prestigious longaniza here: Llonganissa de Vic

If you´re worried about the beautiful flora decorating this sausage, you can peel it off and just eat the inside meat. 

¡Que aproveche!

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