Thursday 7 September 2017

Espetec de Casa Tarradellas - advert

Espetec de Casa Tarradellas - advert

A creative advert about one of Spanish less known culinary treats. I can totally relate to it! Pity we can´t find this product in the UK : (

And with a good selection of short sentences with mostly straightforward language, the advert becomes a good listening activity for beginners. Find the transcript below.

Vamos a ver, esto no puede seguir así.
OK (Let’s see), this can’t carry on like this.

¿Quién ha sido esta vez?
Who was it this time?

¿Has sido tú?
Was it you?



¿Cuál es la excusa de esta semana?
What is this week’s excuse?

¿Se ha… volatilizado?
Did it volatilise?

Lo traje ayer al mediodía
I brought it yesterday lunch time

No han pasado ni 24 horas
It hasn’t even been 24 hours

-Hola mamá
-Hi mum

-¡Ay! ¡Qué susto!
-You startled me! (What a fright!)

-Yo te ayudo
-I’ll help you

-Papá, te he visto
-Dad, I saw you

-¿Qué haces, cariño?
-What are you doing, honey?

-Ahora no, niños. Vamos a comer ya. Vamos, vamos, a poner la mesa.
-Not now, children. We are going to eat now. Come on, come on, lay the table.

Ni 24 horas han pasado…
Not even 24 hours…

Un espetec de Casa Tarradellas se acaba rápido. Y dos, también.
A fuet/espetec from Casa Tarradellas is finished quickly. And two, too.

Espetec de Casa Tarradellas, el de casa.

Fuet/espetec from Casa Tarradellas, the home made one.

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