Friday 12 June 2020

Susanita tiene un ratón

Susanita tiene un ratón

Canción infantil de uno de ´Los payasos de la tele´ (TV clowns). This was a very popular group of clowns that had a show on TV in the 80´s. A lot of the children songs that we love in Spain today were written by them.

Miliki was a clown, accordionist and singer and his programme, ´Los payasos de la tele´ was a huge success in Spain.

Susanita tiene un ratón                          Little Susan has a mouse
un ratón chiquitín                                  a teensy mouse
que come chocolate y turrón                 that eats chocolate and turron
y bolitas de anís                                    and little balls of aniseed

duerme cerca del radiador                    he sleeps near the radiator
con la almohada en los pies                  with the pillow under his feet
y sueña que es un gran campeón          and he dreams that he is a great champion
jugando al ajedrez                                 playing chess

Le gusta el futbol                                  He likes football
el cine y el teatro                                   cinema and theatre
baila tango y rock and roll                    he dances tango and rock and roll

Y si llegamos                                         and if we arrive
y nota que observamos                          and he notices we are watching
siempre nos canta esta canción              he always sings this song to us

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